Grade disparity between Gradebook, attempt revision and Excel export

Grade disparity between Gradebook, attempt revision and Excel export

par Eneko Arriaga,
Nombre de réponses : 0

I am having some troubles ascertaining the real grades for many students.

One for example has different grades depending on whether you look at the gradebook, attempt revision or Excel export.

1st attempt2nd attempt
Attempt revision header6,4 3
Attempt revision sum of individual questions8
Excel export

I am running Moodle 1.5.3 and have upgraded the gradebook and quiz components from CVS with no change in the grade results.

The student in question says he got grades similar to what I can see looking at the attempt revision sum of individual questions. Similar disparities happen with about 10% of students.

I have checked that there the quiz is not penalizing and not in adaptive mode and regraded the quiz after changing its configuration and updating the quiz and gradebook components.

I have also looked at the Quiz and Gradebook support forums as well as the Bugs database but have not been able to find anything useful.

Any ideas? How do you suggest I proceed? Are there any tests I can perform?

Thanks very much, Cheers,
