Equal length for all the fields in cloze test

Re: Equal length for all the fields in cloze test

'mei a Dominique Bauer - 'aho
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Without going into details, I could for example tell you how I hosted the moodleformulas.org site on a personal account because my School did not see the point of hosting it on its site. I really don't know why, last year I finally got a little help from a technician, but I feel like it was more of a personal initiative on his part rather than following any directive. Whatever.

In my opinion, the story you tell is typical in all institutions around the world. This type of situation is not the exception, it is the norm. Not only in teaching and research, but in all fields of activity.

I envy the projects that we are shown on television where everyone seems to work in harmony. But precisely, it is only fiction.

For me, the reality is when I take a vacation with my wife in an all-inclusive luxury resort. People are generally nice there. My brother says it's just because I pay a lot of money. It may be true, but at least it makes me forget the nightmare of the working world.

We are moving away from the initial subject, but not that much. Malimali