Auto-enrolment in course after purchase. Can Moodle do this?

Auto-enrolment in course after purchase. Can Moodle do this?

Nic Steenhout -
Колькасьць адказаў: 2

I'm evaluating different LMS solutions and Moodle is high on my list. The one fearure I must have and I'm not finding any information about is whether or not it's possible to auto-enroll someone in a course once they've paid. Please feel free to direct me to a specific resource that I may have missed in my search.

The scenario I'm looking at is something like this:

  • Free courses
  • Courses for a price
  • Groups of courses for a price
Someone comes on the site, signs up for a course. If the course is free, they get immediate access. If the course has a price attached, they get directed to a payment processing platform, and once payment has come through, they get direct access to the courses they paid for.

Is this possible? If yes, what are good setup for this? Are there any better payment processing platforms?

Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.
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У адказ на Nic Steenhout

Re: Auto-enrolment in course after purchase. Can Moodle do this?

Mark Whitington -

Hi Nic

The PayPal plugin should be able to auto-enrol on payment.

If you are looking for other payment gateways that have more control...

We have used LMS Checkout with success but there are others that may meet your situation that I am unfamiliar with.

(I have no connection to LMS Checkout or Remote Learner other than being a user)

