Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Sati Pasala NSW Inc
عدد الردود: 7

Hi Dominique-Alain,

I have done as you suggested and it works great. However I have some questions as to sustainability of this set up. So here is how it works now

1. Admin has 1 paid account of 100 users

2. Courses are set up with different people as Teachers, who have basic zoom accounts

3. They can create zoom calls within their courses and interact with the participants.

4. These calls could overlap in time 

Generally, outside of Moodle, zoom will require that you have multiple paid licences to run multiple meetings at the same time. Is it correct then that when you come through Moodle you only need 1 paid account for the organisation?

As the Moodle admin, I am trying to set this up and don't want to publish the wrong information as it will be chaotic if everyone tries to set up meetings in their courses and the times overlap. 

I am thinking it cant be working through moodle that you only need 1 paid licence? Is there a limitation on duration of meeting or the number of participants? Something has to be there? Seems too good to be true ! مبتسم Please help


رداً على Sati Pasala NSW Inc

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Rishabh Potti | bluCursor

I facing the problem with the zoom meeting, in which the teacher will share the meeting with the students who are enrolled in the courses. 

But if I am using the admin email for zoom then it is only working for the admin, not for the teachers.

Can you let me know how could I show the zoom meeting option for the teachers with my single id, so they can share it with the students?
رداً على Rishabh Potti | bluCursor

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Dr. Nellie Deutsch
You cannot unless you have at more licenses. Education is $1800 a year for 20 teachers.
رداً على Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Eno Otuokon
Hello Dr.,

I am having a similar issue trying to set up my zoom Business plan that does up to 10 Hosts, but I am getting the following error (Zoom webservice error: Invalid access token..).

What could be the issue, please?  I await your feedback.

Thank you.
المرفق 2021-02-11_11-30-32.jpg
رداً على Eno Otuokon

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Dr. Nellie Deutsch
Did you add the 10 pro users under your ZOOM account? I would ask ZOOM support. They will point you in the right direction. Maybe, 10 pro is not enough for such an account. I think it's cheaper to have an edu account. You can have a live chat with them directly from your pro account. 
رداً على Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Eno Otuokon
Hello Dr. Nellie Deutsch,
I have sorted it out by integrating the Zoom LTI app using External Tool activity. It works well. I will share the link with you.
رداً على Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Re: Zoom Integration in Moodle - For More than one teacher

بواسطة - Indra Abdurojak
Hai Dr. Nellie..

I have problem for my zoom plugins with this error. 
zoom connection timed out

Moodle has installed on kubernetes cloud server using moodlehq latest version.
Otherwise on my dedicated server there is no problem like this.
zoom from moodle dedicated server

Hope you know how i can fix it.

