Xy-pic graph Problem in Moodle 3.8.*

Xy-pic graph Problem in Moodle 3.8.*

от For Linh -
Number of replies: 0

Hi All,

I have used  the Xy-pic code:

$\begin{equation*} \xymatrix { X \ar[r]^{\Large {i}} \ar[dr]|{\large {f}} \ar[ddr]_{\Large {i}} &  A \,\,\, \ar@{.>}[d]^{\large {\theta}} \ar@[red]@`{[]+/r3.5pc/, [dd]+/2.5pc/} [dd]^(0.35){\color{blue}{\large{Id_A}}}\\ & G \ar@{.>}[d]^{\large {\varphi}} \\ & A & } \end{equation*}$ 

to draw the diagram in my Moodle course .

It works  with Moodle 3.7.* : in 3.7

but not with Moodle 3.8.*:  in 3.8.*

How to fix it?


Best Regards,
