Upload course csv, mood_zoom fields

Upload course csv, mood_zoom fields

Aantal antwoorden: 3

When we create a course we can add 

shortname,fullname,category etc. 

but when csv is uploaded zoom section is needed to complete on website, adding participants and fields on mood zoom page in moodle. (it comes after adding a course)

(mood_zoom by Rex Lorenzo)

is there any way to add fields on csv file to run mood_zoom?

Bijlage moodle.png
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Als antwoord op GÜLTEKİN ÖZDEMİR

Re: Upload course csv, mood_zoom fields

door Richard Oelmann -
Foto van Core developers Foto van Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto van Plugin developers Foto van Testers

That's not currently part of the course bulk upload csv. However, you can create a course template and reference that in the csv, so that rather than an entirely blank Moodle course, you replicate a pre-created template, which could then include the Zoom activity.

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Als antwoord op Richard Oelmann

Ynt: Re: Upload course csv, mood_zoom fields

Ok thank you so much for your reply Richard,
i try to create weekly plan of our school,
i will upload all lessons,
i have tried templates before
in that way i have to change all date entries
, because all lessons take the date from template.
do you know any method to eliminate template's date entry and keep all lessons own dates.
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