How do I add/delete questions from a quiz that has been attempted?

How do I add/delete questions from a quiz that has been attempted?

Walter Byrd - ން
Number of replies: 3

I think I'm using version 3.8.

I am still in development stages. I attempted a quiz, now I need to add more questions, but the system will not let me.

When I try to edit the quiz I get the message: "You cannot add or remove questions because this quiz has been attempted."

How do I get past this?

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In reply to Walter Byrd

Re: How do I add/delete questions from a quiz that has been attempted?

Joseph Rézeau - ން
ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ ފޮޓޯ
You need to remove the attempts...
In reply to Joseph Rézeau

Re: How do I add/delete questions from a quiz that has been attempted?

Walter Byrd - ން

How do I remove the attempts?

In reply to Walter Byrd

Re: How do I add/delete questions from a quiz that has been attempted?

Matthias Giger - ން
Mark all the attempts (checkboxes) by clicking on the link "Select all" and use the "Delete selected attempts" button.

delete attempts