You opinion on server specs?

Re: You opinion on server specs?

von Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Anzahl Antworten: 0
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This is _the_ recurrent topic in this forum. Our moderators have done a nice job in summarizing all the wisdom in this wiki:

Generally I noticed three ways of looking at this problem:

1. "Best buy" approach
which is summarized by MD himself in this posting

2. "By comparison" approach
ask around what people use, how much they deliver, hints about the bottlenecks etc. This is of course an ongoing discussion. So no other solution than to scan this forum. For a sample see this

3. "Benchmark" approach
This is what Joan Codina suggested in the following thread

IMHO this is the more "scientific" approach where numbers are involved against "financial view" like in a. or "balancing art" as in b. I guess there's quite an amount of work involved and as a result no formula is available yet. I hope to do some work on this line, but don't expect anything till the end of the year.