Improved assignment grading workflow

Improved assignment grading workflow

av Steve Radford -
Antall svar: 0

When teachers are marking assignments the flow / sequence of actions they need to take seems very inefficient. 

  1. Click into the assignment

  2. Click on the blue 'Grade' button under the grading summary

  3. Click the blue cross to see the whole assignment.

  4. Because Moodle sometimes opens an assignment which hasn't been submitted or isn't awaiting grading, click the filter icon and then click again select those assignments which require grading. Do this every time you start to grade a new assignment because Moodle doesn't save this filter like it does others.

  5. Once you have graded the assignment, then click the OK button in the popup that states "The changes to the grade and feedback were saved"

Why do teachers have to take the steps in points 2, 3 and 4?

  • For point 3, why is the default setting NOT to show the shole assignment to teachers? Surely it would be better for the default setting to be SHOW the whole assignment, and then give the teacher an option to collapse the assignment down if they wished. [This blue cross appears in multiple places for both students and teachers in relation to assignments and teacher feedback - it puzzles me as (a) why it is needed, and (b) that the default action isn't reversed as I've described here].

  • For point 4, is there not some way the system could automatically prioritise and display assignments that are awaiting grading? This would seem to be a sensible thing for the system to do after the teacher clicks a button that says 'Grade'. After all, there's another button they can use to view all submissions (which would be more accurately worded "View all assignments").

  • For point 5, could this message not be displayed in a way that doesn't require yet another click from teachers before they can take another action.

These seem like small changes, but for teachers who have lots of different assignments this would really improve efficiency.

Is there a way to improve this? Or is there somewhere I could suggest these improvements so they might get looked at as part of a future development cycle?

Gjennomsnittlig vurdering:Useful (1)