Can Not Cut - n- Paste! HELP-this is driving me to drink!

Re: Can Not Cut - n- Paste! HELP-this is driving me to drink!

by Will Taylor -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 0
You can try clicking the "kill word" icon in the text editor after pasting from WORD (3rd icon from the right in upper row, the little "W" icon), but it is probably much more predictable to copy/paste from a simpler text editor - NotePad or WordPad - & avoid all the WORD markup altogether.  If I have an existing WORD document I want to copy/paste into a MOODLE text editor window, I generally take the intermediate step of first copying into NotePad, then copy this into the MOODLE text editor window.  WORD markup is a mess.

Good advice as well to toggle into html mode (out of the text editor) & paste into this, then toggle back to the text editor to view it.  Into the html mode window, you could paste plain text, then toggle to text editor mode to mark it up as you wish; or you could paste in html-formatted text (hand-coded e.g. in NotePad, or wysiwyg edited in your favorite html editor, toggled to raw html code in your editor, & copied from this for pasting).

p.s. - am driven to drink anyhow.  I've got a few Bernard Pivos left from my last trip to Moravia.  If you live anywhere near Portland Oregon, I could probably help you out in that regard.  ;^)

- will