Adding protection to MOODLE quizzes---

Re: Adding protection to MOODLE quizzes---

de Timothy Takemoto -
Número de respuestas: 0

I think that the above copy protection should work in any version of Moodle.

However while it will flush the clipboard, it does not work on Snagit which seems to use its own keepboard. I have Snagit and I just tried it, and I could copy the quiz screen. 

It will workon "Printscreen," which uses the normal clipboard however.

OOps stop press...the following does not seem to work. I am working on it now.

Also, and this is the reason why almost a year later I am returning to this thread, I have made a minor modification to the file "common.php" in the above theme, such that the copy-protection does not apply to administrators or teachers

common.php is now
  if (!isadmin() && !isteacher()) { //so that copy protection does not apply to teachers
  if (stristr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']."X", "attempt.phpX")) {
  include("blockit.html"); }
  if (stristr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']."X", "review.phpX")) {
  include("blockit.html"); }

I think that perhaps all admins are teachers, but I am not sure, so I included both isadmin and isteacher. The above makes my life (and editing quizzes) a lot easier.

