Script to crate chat rooms in a course

Script to crate chat rooms in a course

von Bernardo Sallum -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

Hello every body.

I am wondering with some one can help me to create a script that create chat rooms in a course.

I need that because I am in need to create 1000 chat rooms for a virtual event and I don’t want to do one by one.

What do you think … Does Moodle can handle 1000 chat rooms with a 60.000 students at the same time ?????

All help and opinions are appreciated and very welcome.

Als Antwort auf Bernardo Sallum

Re: Script to crate chat rooms in a course

von Art Lader -
1000 chat rooms with a 60.000 students at the same time

OMG, Bernardo! Well, I do not know the answer to that, but I will certainly be following this thread.

-- Art