Continuous Backup of moodle site

Re: Continuous Backup of moodle site

yazan Rick Jerz -
Yanıt sayısı: 0
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I am a little puzzled by the notion of "continuous backup." There seems to be two things that might go wrong: 1) something on the server, 2) something within Moodle.

2) If it is something within Moodle, would not the (continuous) backup immediately have the same problem? Wouldn't one want to have a history of backups, instead of a continuous backup?

1) If it is something on the server, the backup server would have to become the "current" server. I am guessing that this might not be too hard to do... one points these domain name to the new server and then becomes the active server. Right?

I am not planning to do this myself, but I am just wondering about these schemes so that I can learn.