Forum notification e-Mails mixing languages / date/time formats?

Forum notification e-Mails mixing languages / date/time formats?

door stefan weber -
Aantal antwoorden: 0
Foto van Plugin developers

We encountered the following problem on our site running Moodle 3.6.3:

When a teacher has his default language set to English, he will get mixed up formatting in forum notification mails.

Z asdf » Forums » asdf » test
Picture of Weber Stefan
by Weber Stefan - Dienstag, 19 November 2019, 2:39
anderes bildgruppe mit bild

deutsch temporär, englisch standard

not that it says "Dienstag" instead of "Tuesday", and the time format displays no AM or PM, even though AM/PM time is used (the post was from 14:39).

i did not change anything in langconfig.php - is this a server or a Moodle issue?

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