Student permission to grade

Student permission to grade

Galo Xavier Figueroa Villacreses -
Кількість відповідей: 1


I need to create a role based on the student one, which is able to grade Assignment activities. I've tried marking as 'Allow' the permission mod/assign:grade both in the activity permissions section and the role permissions, but any of those attempts has worked.

Just in case, using Workshop activities is not an option.

Thank you in advance.

У відповідь на Galo Xavier Figueroa Villacreses

Re: Student permission to grade

Chris Kenniburg -
Фото Plugin developers
At the site admin level under users>role copy the student role and label it Student Grader (Or whatever). Then go down to the Assignment Permissions and find and allow grading. That should work. Be sure you are doing the proper Assignment Module (there are two) because the old assignment module should be deleted or disabled back in Moodle version 2.something.