Trick to speed grading in assignment module

Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Dennis Daniels בתאריך
מספר תגובות: 9
We're all overworked and, probably, underpaid. I've figured out a way to squeeze even more out of Moodle. I've worked out some tricks that really helps me to speed the grading process of documents.

You can view screencasts I created to support my teachers here:

I hope they help others! I know that some of my local users have reported improvements in turnaround time on assignment evaluation.


ממוצע דרוגים: -
בתגובה ל: Dennis Daniels

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Barry Lindler בתאריך
Hey Dennis,

I checked out your trick and really like it.  I'm hoping you can clear something up for me.  Do you have a special block or module installed to get the screen options you have when viewing submitted assignments?  When I view the submitted assignments link, I only see a summary showing student name, last modified dates, and an update or grade button- I'd like to have what you have on your video, where I can see all students, have a grade drop down link, a comment box, and the file name of the submission for all students on one screen.  Can you help me figure out why mine is different?

בתגובה ל: Dennis Daniels

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Drew Buddie בתאריך

Dennis - those videos you have made are INCREDIBLE.  Just been watching the 'down them all' one and it is AMAZING.  No wonder people like you are so evangelical about Firefox.

Thanks for making these available to us!

בתגובה ל: Dennis Daniels

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Josep M. Fontana בתאריך
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for sharing. Are you referring to a particular screencast? I see one that seems relevant (using the Firefox extension to download all assignments) but I'm not sure it is the one you mean.

Josep M.
בתגובה ל: Dennis Daniels

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Miroslav Fikar בתאריך
A nice 3rd party block to show/mark unsubmitted/resubmitted assignments from the main page is Marking. I have finally order in all assignments and cannot imagine how it was before it. It can be found by searching discussions.
בתגובה ל: Miroslav Fikar

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Josep M. Fontana בתאריך

Do you mean Markin?

If that's what you mean, I fully concur. I've been using it for quite a while and it is one of those little applications (or big ones, like Moodle) that when you use them you wonder how could you have lived without them.

Josep M.
בתגובה ל: Josep M. Fontana

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Miroslav Fikar בתאריך
No, I was referring Block_Marking_1.5 in this discussion. The block is zipped there (link here), but there were some typos in it - see the course of the discussion. The newest version of the block lives in moodle CVS. However, It seems to me that it is incomplete - see the end of that discussion.
בתגובה ל: Dennis Daniels

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי tobe baeyens בתאריך
There is also a way to download all files from an assignment in one zip-file. Few people know this. It's very fast and you can do it with any browser.

All the files from one assignment are saved in one folder. You need to know the name of the folder.
You can browse to this folder in administration/files.

  • Open the files from you course
  • Open the folder moddata
  • Open the folder assignement
  • Click the checkbox on the left of the riht folder (in my case 99)
  • Select create a zip-archive in the pull down menu
  • create the zip-archive and download it
  • uncompress it on your computer
  • search for all files with the right extension in the uncompressed folder
I hope my explanation is clear. Succes.
בתגובה ל: tobe baeyens

Re: Trick to speed grading in assignment module

על ידי Josep M. Fontana בתאריך
Thanks Tobe. This is useful. Until they implement a more direct way to do this from within the Assignment module, this trick can be very handy.

Josep M.