Interactive video creating open database connections, crashing server

Interactive video creating open database connections, crashing server

von Melanie Scott -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

So, I created an interactive video with H5P. It is, admittedly, a long video--90 minutes. Throughout, there are questions (hence, interactive).  It went live and within about 45 minutes my server started acting strange. Users across the site started experience Server 500 errors, intermittently. We looked into it.  Something has been opening database connections, leaving them open, sucking up resources and then spontaneously aborting them.  And then the server crashes. It comes back up and starts all over again. Only one thing has changed: the H5P module went live and started getting use. We had no problems when testing it before the go-live, but then it was just me messing with it. So, it seems pretty likely that the issue is related to the H5P.

I switched to H5P from SCORM because I didn't like the way the scorm published video couldn't seem to remember where it left off if the user had to stop and come back (Camtasia published scorms just aren't that smart. The alternative is manually captioning 90 minutes of video in Captivate. No. Of course, that would work. but I've already spent hideous amounts of time fidgeting my captions to deal with the fact that Safari and Chrome only allow one line of caption...).

I'm running Moodle 3.6.2 (will probabaly upgrade to 3.7 in November or Dec).  Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or why it would cause this problem?