3.7.2 PayPal Enrollment Plugin - experienced no notify to ipn.php

Re: 3.7.2 PayPal Enrollment Plugin - experienced no notify to ipn.php

by Garrett Boone -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 0
Here is the outcome: PayPal responded by saying that they sent emails daily for 12 days notifying our organization that they were getting a 403 response. The URL they were attempting to reach was the development site address, which does not have world access.

They disabled IPN as a result of no response, so I had to turn it back on in the PayPal profile settings.

Now, if I can figure out how to communicate to the operations manager how to forward any future emails from PayPal saying there are failures, I'd be even more relieved. He was kind enough to forward the one related to the case I opened up.