Error creating the Admin account during installation 3.7.2+

Error creating the Admin account during installation 3.7.2+

per Sandy Ginares -
Nombre de respostes: 5

Hi, I'm trying to install the 3.7.2+ all new: database en hosting.

When I start is all ok, but in the moment that say everything is ok, continue.... and go to the admin account creation, the page looks without any css, I can't select the place to write the new password and even I can't click into the force a new password because is locked.

If I write all the fields in that form and make click in update my personal information, I see all the website in text with any css.

My PHP version now is 7.1. I've tryied to install with PHP 7.3 and receive the same problem.

My MySQL is 5.6

Please can you tell me what is the problem with the installation? This is the 3rd time I try to make a clean installation. Please is urgent. Thanks for the help that can give to me. And sorry for my bad English.

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En resposta a Sandy Ginares

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation 3.7.2+

per Leon Stringer -
Imatge Core developers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers

Check that the address you're accessing the site with matches the $CFG->wwwroot setting in config.php (which is in the Moodle source code folder). You can't have this set to https://… in config.php and access the site as http://… (or vice versa).

En resposta a Leon Stringer

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation 3.7.2+

per Sandy Ginares -
Hi Leon, and thanks for your response.
In the config.php, the configuration is: $CFG->wwwroot = '';
When I access to the internet navigator, I write or and I see the same page without any css.
I contacted with my server provider to ask about this, and they say, it's a compatibility problem between the server and this moodle version and give to me this instructions:
(I used a translator from Spanish to English, I hope can understand me)

1 -Create a file 'php.ini' with the corrected parameter: cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0 (This I can do it)

2 -Create symbolic links in all folders of the installation with the following command via SSH:

find -type d -exec ln -s $ PWD / php.ini {} /php.ini \; (This I don't know how to do via SSH)

3 -Depending on the Moodle version, you should also review 'config.php' and activate the slash arguments, with the following parameter:

$ CFG-> slasharguments = true; (This is not in my config.php but can do it)

After this, the problem of links is corrected, which would allow the CMS to be used while the open incident is not closed.

I don't know if this is the solution to my problem.

The website is now with the ssl certificate and it's working ok.

I don't know what to do.
Can you help me again, please?
En resposta a Sandy Ginares

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation 3.7.2+

per Emma Richardson -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Plugin developers
Try deleting the cache and localcache folders in your moodleDATA folder (NOT the moodle code folder).
En resposta a Emma Richardson

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation 3.7.2+

per Sandy Ginares -
Thanks for your response. I deleted the cache and localcache folders content and haved the same page with plain text.
Please, have another suggestion?