Benchmark Score (Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.)

Benchmark Score (Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.)

by ntsieni nemutshili -
Number of replies: 4

Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.

The harddrive seems too slow.
  • Check the harddrive and/or the temporary folder state
  • Change your harddrive or the temporary folder
The database seems too slow.
The login page is too slow to load.
  • Purge the Moodle cache

Server : windows 2016, MSSQL 2016, IIS 10, 

Processor: Xeon CPU 2.10Ghz(5 Processors)


Attachment Benchmark score.png
Average of ratings: -
In reply to ntsieni nemutshili

Re: Benchmark Score (Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.)

by Adam Jenkins -
Plugin developers колдонуучунун сүрөтү
I was also playing with the benchmark report today and noticed slow write times to the temp folder.

The plugin:

I tried moving the temp folder to RAM (/dev/shm) and then creating a symlink in the moodledata folder pointing to the new location. NOW, I'm not sure that this is a good idea. I haven't considered potential dangers which I'm hoping others will comment on. Also, not sure if this would actually make the site noticeably faster. But it sure improved that score (see attached image).

Attachment Screenshot from 2019-07-31 10-54-58.png
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Adam Jenkins

Re: Benchmark Score (Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.)

by Adam Jenkins -
Plugin developers колдонуучунун сүрөтү

Just got this error on that test server, so it's probably not such a good idea...

Attachment Screenshot from 2019-07-31 12-21-00.png
In reply to Adam Jenkins

Re: Benchmark Score (Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.)

by Visvanath Ratnaweera -
Particularly helpful Moodlers колдонуучунун сүрөтү Translators колдонуучунун сүрөтү
Did you follow up with debugging on? A jump from 4570 points to 47 (lower the better) is huge! See the results in the original discussion for comparison.

N.B. This discussion is more suitable for the Hardware and performance forum.
Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Visvanath Ratnaweera

Re: Benchmark Score (Your Moodle seems to have some difficulties.)

by Adam Jenkins -
Plugin developers колдонуучунун сүрөтү
My benchmarks started at around 150, so my improvement wasn't all that huge. The original thread poster might have different issues with the the SQL database that are more severe.

Also, apologies but I thought we were in Hardware and performance, hence rather than trying to help, I was just chatting and being social about the benchmark. There wasn't a specified question so I lost track of the intention of the original post. Oops!

I don't need to fix it, was just curious as to what would happen and gave it a try. I might do more with it again some day if the curiosity grabs me again.