getting Moodle through git

getting Moodle through git

von hajar zankadi -
Anzahl Antworten: 2

Hello everyone

I hope you are doing very well

I have installed wampserver and setting it up and I want to get moodle through Git in the web root

so I should be using the highlights from the documentation:

$ cd /path/to/your/webroot 

$ git clone git:// (1) 

$ cd moodle $ git branch -a (2) 

$ git branch --track MOODLE_37_STABLE origin/MOODLE_37_STABLE (3) 

$ git checkout MOODLE_37_STABLE (4)

My question is: my intention is to develop a new plugin, so i should not develop against 3.7 but instead develop against 3.6 ( and test against 3.7) right ? (correct me if i'm wrong i am still new to moodle)

so instead of MOODLE_37_STABLE I should clone MOODLE_36_STABLE or MOODLE_35_STABLE? 

any other information that will clarify more or help me out is very welcome

Thank you in advance