What is the best way to suggest usability improvement to Moodle?

What is the best way to suggest usability improvement to Moodle?

door Brad Nielsen -
Aantal antwoorden: 4

Hi, I was just wondering, what is the best way to discuss usability problems or suggest usability improvements to Moodle. I'm looking through the discussions here, and lot of people have great suggestions but get no response to their messages. Are they being read?

Is Moodle Tracker a better way of suggesting improvements?

Or is joining MUA a better way...

Sorry, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just curious...

kind regards,


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Als antwoord op Brad Nielsen


door Tim Hunt -
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I think it depends:

If you spot something that is clearly bad, or if you have a specific, implementable suggestion for making something better, then it belongs in the tracker.

If it is more ambiguous: something in this area but it is not clear exactly what, or something about X needs to be improved, but it is not entirely clear how, the it is probably best to find a forum to discuss it. That could be here, or MUA, or .... Once there starts to be some consensus on the specifics, then put it in the tracker.
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Als antwoord op Tim Hunt


door Daniel Neis Araujo -
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On the docs (https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Accessibility) it points to a Accessibility Working Group:
"To improve the accessibility and usability of Moodle, we have established this collaboration group to work together with Moodle developers, accessibility experts, administrators, IT professionals, and other interested entities and individuals. We welcome anyone who is interested in improving the accessibility of Moodle to join this group. You don’t need to be a technical guru or accessibility expert to join; however, it is expected that you are familiar with the basics of accessibility and are willing to dedicate a few hours each month to this collaboration effort.

This group meets once a month to discuss accessibility priorities, typically on the first Monday of each month.

Visit http://collaborate.athenpro.org/group/moodle to join the email list.

To review past meetings or to see upcoming meetings visit http://collaborate.athenpro.org/group/moodle/teleconferences/ "

But I'm not sure if it is still ongoing ...
Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen: Useful (2)
Als antwoord op Brad Nielsen

Re: What is the best way to suggest usability improvement to Moodle?

door Rick Jerz -
Foto van Particularly helpful Moodlers Foto van Testers
In my own observations, many topics that are posted get read, but it seems to me that the major cause of not getting a reply is that the question or suggestion is confusing or too obscure. Many volunteers participate in Moodle.org (like myself) and if I see a post that is a bit off-base, sometimes I will ignore it because I don't have the time to help the poster be more specific. I only have so much time in a day.

In your case with this post of yours, you can see that both Tim and Daniel have provided responses.

Having said this, there are many "feature requests" in Moodle Tracker that are great ideas, but might take time to implement. In my own case, I have probably posted several dozen feature requests (let's say 36) and probably 12 have been implemented. My last feature request to get implemented took 8 years, but it then happened in Moodle 3.7. Moodle's track record, for me, has been significantly better than the other LMSs (BB, D2L, C) that I have used.

Piggybacking on what Tim said, I would agree, I sometimes start here in Moodle.org with a post, kind of like fishing and testing the waters, then I will post in Tracker. If something looks like a bug, I post in Tracker and follow-up here in these forums. In Tracker, if something about my idea is out of place, Tracker has the ability to "close" an item. I believe that posts here in these forums last a very long time.
Gemiddelde van de beoordelingen: Useful (2)
Als antwoord op Brad Nielsen

Re: What is the best way to suggest usability improvement to Moodle?

door Brad Nielsen -

Thank you everyone for your replies. I want to get more involved in supporting usability improvements to Moodle so there is a lot of food for thought there..

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