Badges in MoodleCloud - any download capability?

Badges in MoodleCloud - any download capability?

per J C -
Nombre de respostes: 1

Hi there,

I have created several site badges in our MoodleCloud site (version 3.6.3), but I do not see any way to download a list of the recipients.

Ideally, I would love to be able to download using the Badges section (that contains the person's badges in their profile) as a profile field but that does not work. I discovered there is actually a Badges profile field but it doesn't seem to be connected in any way to the Badges section that is created in someone's profile once they are assigned a badge. See screenshot.

I know that if I entered text into the actual Badges profile field, I would be able to download results that way (because when you download users, all their profile fields are included in the download), but I would like to be able to download using the existing data - the site badges.

Is there any way to download lists (or one master list) of site badge recipients?

If you need any additional information in order to help me with this question, please let me know!

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