change name of exporting data

change name of exporting data

Luke S -
Erantzun kopurua: 0

Dear moodle community, 

when downloading a data table in moodles' feedback activity, the name of the table is always fb.(data format). We use seperate groups, so we are looking to change the download name to (groupname).(data format)

I've already researched the code and tried to trace back the function that triggers the download since when downloading, it is sending a submit request to show_entries.php, but i can't figure out the line the name is defined.

My guess is, that the actual download happens in line 73 with $responsestable->download(); in /mod/feedback/show_entries.php, because the submit url refers to the page, but i am unable to inspect the $responstable variable since the print_r doesn't trigger on submit.

Best Regards,


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