Class seating plan?

Re: Class seating plan?

Floyd Saner -
Vastausten määrä: 0

I've tried to think why you want to do this, and came up with the following:

  1. Students work on assessments only during specific times when they are in the lab.  Solution: You can set access times on any quiz, or you can use the Course Schedules plugin,, to restrict access times for the entire course.

  2. You want to know who is seated by whom in order to check for cheating. Solution: Reduce the chances of cheating by create quizzes in which answers are shuffled each time, question order is shuffled each time, or questions are drawn from a random set of questions in a question bank.

  3. You want an easy way to take attendance: Solution: Use the Moodle Attendance plugins,, or set specific times for the quiz, as in #1 above.
As Ken Task suggested, more details on why you need assigned seating will help us think about solutions.
