error during clean Moodle 3.6.2 install

Re: error during clean Moodle 3.6.2 install

deur Carl H -
Getal antwoorde: 3
So, after several additional hours of combing the net and various forums, I found the following post that caught me eye.

Anyway, essentially it would appear that Windows had added its own file type suffix (i.e.; the .ini suffix) to my php.ini file - which in turn, meant that my config file was now php.ini.ini... and therefore my php.ini file was not loading correctly, which in turn was giving me the error.... PHP has not been properly configured with the MySQLi extension for it to communicate with MySQL. Please check your php.ini file or recompile PHP

Whilst this update to the filename effectively helped my initial issue, i subsequently received the following error message... 

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'prn_moodle_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /var/www/html/moodle/lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php on line 79

Thankfully, i would like to acknowledge AL Rachels post for helping to resolve this issue.

Anwyay.... issues are resolved and Moodle 3.6.2 now appears to be working glimlag

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In antwoord op Carl H

Re: error during clean Moodle 3.6.2 install

deur Francisco Rodriguez -
Hello Carl, i'm having this same issue on a clean installation, as soon as i change the name of my php.ini file i get this warning:

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password] in C:\Apache24\htdocs\moodle\lib\dml\mysqli_native_moodle_database.php on line 79

Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client in C:\Apache24\htdocs\moodle\lib\dml\mysqli_native_moodle_database.php on line 79

I do not completely understand what do you mean with this:

Anyway, essentially it would appear that Windows had added its own file type suffix (i.e.; the .ini suffix) to my php.ini file - which in turn, meant that my config file was now php.ini.ini... and therefore my php.ini file was not loading correctly

Can you explain it to me please?

Thank you.

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In antwoord op Francisco Rodriguez

Re: error during clean Moodle 3.6.2 install

deur Luis de Vasconcelos -
Prentjie van Particularly helpful Moodlers
In Windows Explorer:

  1. Open the View tab.
  2. Click Options then
  3. Click Change folder and search options.
  4. On the View tab make sure that the Hide extensions for known file types is not selected.
That will make sure you can always see ALL file extensions for ALL file types.

Adding that setting to Windows is just the most stupid thing Microsoft ever did! It has no benefits!  knipoog
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In antwoord op Francisco Rodriguez

Re: error during clean Moodle 3.6.2 install

deur Carl H -

Hi Francisco

As a quick follow up to Luis's post, once you can see / view the file extension type (i.e.: after selecting the view extensions check box), you will likely find that you're 'php.ini' file actually has the file name... 'php.ini.ini'.

Consequently, you just need to delete the .ini suffix from the end of this file - i.e.: so the file is now named... 'php.ini'  and hey presto, you should find that this fixes the problem glimlag

Best of luck

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