LTI sync times and affects on performance

LTI sync times and affects on performance

Stuart Anderson -
Vastausten määrä: 0


I'm about to move into a pilot phase of using moodle as a provider for a Blackboard consumer.  In this case I will be embedding moodle quizzes containing the STACK question type into Blackboard.

I have changed a couple of the Scheduled tasks settings for LTI.  I've left the sync_members setting at the default 30 minutes, but reduced the sync_grades settings to every 5 minutes.  My reason for this is that I think students will expect to see grades in Blackboard much more frequently than every 30 minutes and may panic if the grades aren't there is a reasonably timely fashion.  

I am seeking advice as to whether reducing the grade sync time by so much will cause any significant performance issues?  I expect there to be about 100 quizzes syncing initially, but hope the service to grow to several times this in the coming years.

Advice appreciated.  



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