Default enrolment duration enabled. Student data deleted after unenrolment?

Default enrolment duration enabled. Student data deleted after unenrolment?

per Marius S -
Nombre de respostes: 1


We are using Moodle 3.5.1+, for courses we use manual enrolment with "Default enrolment duration" option enabled for certain days.

If we use "Default enrolment duration" option. Student is unenrolled after 150 days from enrolment day, does students data (assignments, uploaded files, forum posts, etc.) is deleted after unenrolment?
Or it leaves here forever, unless we would reset a course?

I am asking because we are doing automated course backups and I wonder if we actually doing backups of unenrolled students data...


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En resposta a Marius S

Re: Default enrolment duration enabled. Student data deleted after unenrolment?

per Emma Richardson -
Imatge Documentation writers Imatge Particularly helpful Moodlers Imatge Plugin developers

Interesting question - the data remains in the database because if you re-enrol a student, it will return.  As to whether it is in included in a backup, I am really not sure - you could test and see...