Password Strength Checker

Password Strength Checker

de către daniel white-
Număr de răspunsuri: 0

Hi ,

I am trying to import a password generator that we have used in a training platform in Joomla into Moodle, but can't figure out how to change the code to make it work in moodle. The main problem is getting the user id, the site displays no user id every time. I know I need to change "JFactory::getUser" and have tried a few things like get_user() and get_record(), but i realise it should be something more than that. Please help.

<iframe src="{0}&amp;userId=&lt;?php $user =&amp; JFactory::getUser(); echo $user-&gt;get('id'); ?&gt;&amp;username=&lt;?php $user =&amp; JFactory::getUser(); echo $user-&gt;get('username'); ?&gt;" style="width: 100%; min-height: 700px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>


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