Overall Question Statistics

Overall Question Statistics

Napisane przez: Daniel Milan ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 1

Is there a way to see the overall statistics of all questions in a question bank or even more specifically a specific quiz when random questions are used?

I have set up multiple successive practice quizzes that pull random questions from categories.  I would like to be able to see how the questions are performing on average so that I can identify poor questions.

I have been looking around, but short of using specified questions in a quiz, the results of the quiz for random questions seem useless, unless I am missing something.

Thanks for the help!

W odpowiedzi na Daniel Milan

Re: Overall Question Statistics

Napisane przez: Edmunds Pabērzis ()

At the moment only thing I can imagine is download quiz statistics from all the quizzes and make analysis in Excel spreadsheet. 

I would love to hear some suggestions for this also. I have the same need for that.

Can anyone suggest some plugins e.t.c.