Minimum Score for Each Rubric Criteria

Minimum Score for Each Rubric Criteria

per Alex N -
Nombre de respostes: 1

I've created a rubric with different criteria where the student needs to score at least 50% in each criteria to pass. The problem is that each criteria is weighted differently so a student is able to score below 50% in one category yet still score over 50% overall for a pass score.

Rubric with criteria marked under 50%

The above rubric should give a fail even though the average score is 89.8% since one criteria was failed to pass the 50% mark. Has anybody gotten this type of rubric to work?

I've found this plugin that is sort of similar to what I'm looking for but seems to just be a pass/fail scale and it doesn't seem to allow for percentage grading.

Right now we are doing the actual grading offline and just inputting the mark using a simple direct grading method but I would rather keep the whole marking process within Moodle.

En resposta a Alex N

Re: Minimum Score for Each Rubric Criteria

per Alex N -

If anybody is trying to achieve the same thing. I've found out that you can assign negative scores so a score of -100 can be given to every non-passing level in a criteria.

This is not an optimal solution but it might be an option to try.