MM3.5 Error loading Course content

MM3.5 Error loading Course content

per Arthur Medoum,
Number of replies: 1

The Mobile Moodle Application is no longer able to load the content so the User can visualize the Course and interact with it.


1- Clone the official Mobile Moodle Git repository, follow the Developer installation procedure and have the application launching in your localhost with the Desktop Google Chrome Web Browser.

2- Launch the Application: connect to a Moodle Demo Website, like (this is a demo site, credentials are available on the web). Image attached.

3- Open a Course and try opening a Scorm Content (the App will then attempt to download it first).

Result: You cannot see the Scorm Content itself, you are blocked by different behaviors among these:

a- Nothing happens when you click.


b- You get a pop-up Message "A URI supplied to the API was malformed, or the resulting Data URL has excedded the URL Length limitations for Data URLs"


c- No pop-up, nothing on the Front-end. Error in console log: "A URI supplied to the API was malformed, or the resulting Data URL has excedded the URL Length limitations for Data URLs"

image attached.

Has anybody seen this ?

This is preventing our development team to work on the MobileMoodle git Project and implement features for our organization. This has started happening friday14sept2018 (has not been observed before that date).

Your answer will be appreciated. Thanks! sorire

Attachment Screenshot (16).png
Attachment Screenshot (8).png
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In reply to Arthur Medoum

Re: MM3.5 Error loading Course content

per Arthur Medoum,


We applied some CSS styling that were requiring the Chrome Web Browser to be in Emulation Mode. The problem when you emulate a Mobile Device  in the Browser, is that the filesystem used by the App to store/retrieve content is then completely different. The App will no longer be able to create and retrieve files.

Lesson is:   Be careful if you have to use the Google Chrome Device Emulator in your development phases. MobileMoodle use the Browser FileSystem API  to store files (files that are actual Course materials). When you enable the Emulator, you completely confuse the Filesystem API which seems to not be able to retrieve what has previously been created.
