Error code: generalexceptionmessage

Error code: generalexceptionmessage

deur Norman Gonzalez -
Getal antwoorde: 2

I have installed moodle v.3.5.1 on an Ubuntu Linux server. Apache v.2.4.28, PHP v.7.1.10. It turns out that the internal messages do not work for me, I send the messages and the following error appears:


Error code: generalexceptionmessage
* line 220 of /lib/messagelib.php: Error thrown
* line? of unknownfile: call to {closure} ()
* line 225 of /lib/messagelib.php: call to array_filter ()
* line 510 of /message/lib.php: call to message_send ()
* line 150 of /message/externallib.php: call to message_post_message ()
* line 228 of /lib/externallib.php: call to core_message_external :: send_instant_messages ()
* line 59 of /lib/ajax/service.php: call to external_api :: call_external_function ()

Another error is that I'm going to the Web Service option - API documentation and I get the following error:

Error code: codingerror
Stack trace:

line 87 of /lib/externallib.php: coding_exception thrown
line 36 of /admin/webservice/documentation.php: call to external_api :: external_function_info ()

What can I do about it? I do not know if two errors are related.


Aanhangsel error1.jpg
Aanhangsel error2.jpg
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In antwoord op Norman Gonzalez

Re: Error code: generalexceptionmessage

deur Leon Stringer -
Prentjie van Core developers Prentjie van Particularly helpful Moodlers

Are you using any third party plugins, specifically for web services or messaging? To check this go to Site administrationPluginsPlugins overview and click Additional plugins (Administración del sitioExtensionesVista general de extensiones y Plugins adicionales).

It's possible you're using a plugin (or version of a plugin) which doesn't support Moodle 3.5 or PHP 7.1.

Gemiddeld van beoordelings:Useful (1)
In antwoord op Leon Stringer

Re: Error code: generalexceptionmessage

deur Norman Gonzalez -

Thank you. He settled with what he told me

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