Atto doesn't put tags by default after code edit

Atto doesn't put tags by default after code edit

Михаил Волобой -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

Hello, I have a problem with using Atto editor after TinyMCE. TinyMCE has a good function: forced_root_block

"This option enables you to make sure that any non block elements or text nodes are wrapped in block elements. For example <strong>something</strong> will result in output like: <p><strong>something</strong></p>."

But Atto doesn't have such function and it could be the reason of errors like you could see below.

During the editing process:

Display in quiz: 

It happens because of MathJax-filter auto-put its tags.

So my question is: Does anybody know how to force Atto put <p></p> tags by default after html-editing? Thanks! 

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