Font Awesome in Mobile App

Font Awesome in Mobile App

by Stuart Mealor -
Number of replies: 3

Hi guys

Font Awesome icons are supported as standard in Moodle 3.5.

I'm using the latest version of the Moodle App, but Font Awesome 5 icons do not render correctly.

Is Font Awesome supported in the Mobile App ?

If not, is there a recommended way to add it ?

I've added this to the mobileccsurl in the Mobile theme:

But it doesn't work - see screenshot.

Anyone else managed this?


Attachment IMG_85AF6EE60A0B-1 copy.jpg
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In reply to Stuart Mealor

Re: Font Awesome in Mobile App

by Richard Hall -

Hi Stuart,

I've inserted a font-awesome icon into a label and it's showing on the Mobile 3.5 app.

The code that I used was:

         <i class="fa fa-clock-o">&nbsp;</i>10 mins

Hope this helps.

Attachment Screenshot_20180705-110945_2.png
რეიტინგების საშუალო: -
In reply to Richard Hall

Re: Font Awesome in Mobile App

by Stuart Mealor -

No, it doesn't help, because my post is referring specifically to Font Awesome 5 (your example is fa = Font Awesome 4).  I'm referring to using Font Awesome 5, as with the code below "fab".

Using FA5 is working OK in the browser:


However, in the Moodle App the images are missing:

What I'm trying to understand is whether the Moodle App "CAN" support Font Awesome 5 ?

Can it support the stacking function ?


If it can, how would that be enabled ?

Currently I've used the following code, which works great in browsers, but not the Moodle App:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-DNOHZ68U8hZfKXOrtjWvjxusGo9WQnrNx2sqG0tfsghAvtVlRW3tvkXWZh58N9jp" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

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In reply to Stuart Mealor

Re: Font Awesome in Mobile App

by Pau Ferrer Ocaña -
Core developers სურათი Moodle HQ სურათი Peer reviewers სურათი Plugin developers სურათი

Hi Stuart,

Moodle web and Moodle apps currently support FontAwesome 4.7.0. However you can add code to support FA > 5.

I think your problem is that you didn't add brands css. If you check this site, you'll see brands are in a separate css file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-nT8r1Kzllf71iZl81CdFzObMsaLOhqBU1JD2+XoAALbdtWaXDOlWOZTR4v1ktjPE" crossorigin="anonymous">

You can try that to add support, however I'm not sure why is working on your website (problably 4.7 has any compatibility). Please check it again and check the fontawesome documentation for further help.



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