an issue with adding arabic names to groups

an issue with adding arabic names to groups

par Zeid Fanous,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Hello all, 

I have a list of users i want to add to a group, the users are all in arabic and 90% of the time everything goes fine, but i am having trouble with a couple of users. When i try to add them to the group, i cant find them, i go back to "browse list of users" and they are there but for some reason cant find them when i try to add them to the group. attached are screenshots as an example. 

Could you please help me sourire. I am using Moodle 3.1

Annexe حهؤ 1.png
Annexe حهؤ 2.png
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En réponse à Zeid Fanous

Re: an issue with adding arabic names to groups

par Zeid Fanous,

Got it to work, 

My users were enrolled through cohort sync and it seems the users not being found werent part of it. sourire my bad :0 sorry guys... Thanks all clown