Moodle functions dealing with editor area plugin files

Moodle functions dealing with editor area plugin files

by Richard Jones -
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ምስሊ ናይ Plugin developers ምስሊ ናይ Testers


I'm trying to write an import/export function for pages that include image files, similar to that for glossary entries.

Do there exist in Moodle functions (or examples) for identifying and extracting filenames from editor content?  I am able to use the file libraries to extract the image file details and content and base  64 encode them for export in json format.

I don't really want to search through the editor content string to locate all the plugin files if it's already done somewhere else.

I see that something very similar is done in glossary with xml but I'm having trouble unravelling that code.

Thanks if you can help with any pointers at all.

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