Different Boost themes for different categories?

Different Boost themes for different categories?

'mei a Philippe MULLER - 'aho
Number of replies: 6


I use moodle 3.4 and i need to set different settings of Boost theme for different categories of courses. Can I use children of Boost ?

I have tried to use different Boost presets (thanks to Eduardo Kraus!) but I can't select the desired one when I assigne a specified theme to a specified category.

Can I do that with children of Boost ?


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In reply to Philippe MULLER

Re: Different Boost themes for different categories?

'mei a Richard Oelmann - 'aho
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

You should be able to apply a different preset to each child yes.

In reply to Philippe MULLER

Re: Different Boost themes for different categories?

'mei a John King - 'aho

I suspect that Gareth & Richard may have misread the original question.

As I read it, Phillppe is referring to the category's settings page, which has a theme selection option.  On Moodle 3.3 (can't vouch for later versions) this ONLY offers the option to select a theme, NOT a preset.

Hence if you wish to give each category a unique appearance it seems that you must use multiple themes (rather than a single theme with multiple presets).

In reply to John King

Re: Different Boost themes for different categories?

'mei a Gareth J Barnard - 'aho
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Not misread, as given the wording of the original post which states 'children' of Boost and thus the 'many' version of the word 'child' in English, then....

  • Create child themes of boost that allows the preset setting to be set and applied.
  • Install as many different child theme as categories you want to be different.
  • Set the given preset for each child theme.
  • Set each category theme to the child theme with the given set preset.

Average of ratings: Useful (1)
In reply to John King

Re: Different Boost themes for different categories?

'mei a Mary Evans - 'aho

Hi John,

Presets are built in styles that create a different view or colour scheme. So yes multiple child themes need to be made and each one with it default preset in place,

However it would be a good idea to have Presets as an option now that we are moving to a new way of styling themes, but thereby lays a problem with Moodle, in that some of  its CORE code is old and has not caught up with the latest technologies on offer, that's why we only have Themes available for Courses and Categories, etc., and not just a simple Preset which would work much faster and be less hassle. That said, Categories and Course themes can be a real pain as one takes preference over another, if my memory serves me correctly, which in some cases can loose the whole feel of change and end up with your Default theme instead.

The bigger problem now is that Moodle 3.3 will not be updated other than for security issues, whereas 3.4 is just on the borderline for updates and will be dropped as soon as 3,6 makes it's entrance later this year. So if someone were to write a script that would allow Presets to be an option within a course or a category then that new Improvement could be back-ported into 3.4 but not 3.3.

Just a bit of background for this discussion if needed.

