Error creating the Admin account during installation

Error creating the Admin account during installation

wót Huw Clark -
Anzahl Antworten: 4

Can I just start by flagging that I've read through previous posts including this one ( but it didn't really end up going anywhere useful for me so I thought it might be better to start fresh. I should also point out that I'm running this from a home server because our IT department tells me it's impossible for them to do so my knowledge is somewhat limited. That said, I grew up with DOS so I'm not concerned about terminal commands using Ubuntu and I was running version 2 on an old Ubuntu version just fine for the last three years but needed to upgrade and find myself here. I've considered the moodle cloud service options but although our requirements are very simple, we have some large content and regular rotations of users so the way the plans are made, we would have difficulty getting funding for outsourcing it professionally.

I'm trying to clean install Moodle 3.3.4 (I've rolled back to see if it was a 3.4 issue although I haven't yet tried the 3.2 install someone else mentioned).

My setup is Ubuntu Server 16.04, PHP, mysql 5.7.21 & nginx running HTTPS. The only other package is Wordpress which shouldn't be interfering and is running fine.

I get the install package, create all the folders and setup permissions, create a fresh database and start the web based installer. It loads ok and it gets the config details and performs all of the server checks which pass without problem. After installing the modules, which are all reported as successful I get to the create admin account page which then, like others before me, won't load the create password popup screen and has the attached errors below.

I have already got the following in the config file in my sites-available folder.

location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$ {

fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;

fastcgi_index index.php;

fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;

include fastcgi_params;

fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;


 I've increased my file upload size as suggested by another user without success.

The error according to the console in Chrome is that the server responds with a status of 404 (not found). All the files are there when I check but I don't understand the path it lists in the log. Might it be that the path info stipulated in the above settings is incorrect and should be amended to something else? 

I've also looked for cache files as suggested in the other thread but I don't seem to have any files in the mentioned folders.

There have been references made to alternate error logs but I'm not sure which ones I should look into and how to interpret the results.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me to try?

Anhang Admin Account Error with document root.jpg
Als Antwort auf Huw Clark

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation

wót Ken Task -
Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers

Since you've said you do not 'fear' the command line, suggest installing via command line ...

Script is in admin/cli/ of moodle code and called 'install.php'.

Advantage ... the web based added the stuff to the password box upon install for 'security' reasons ... am guessing ... but command line means one is already ssh'd into server and that access is encrypted so no can 'man in the middle' or other such .. takes apache out of the loop.   Just php and the DB server then.

Please see:

When you get to the creation of the admin user password will be in clear text .... nothing fancy to hide but that's OK.

'spirit of sharing', Ken
Als Antwort auf Ken Task

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation

wót Huw Clark -

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

You're right, the command line installation worked immediately.

The problem I've now got is that because I still haven't fixed the underlying problem that broke the web based install scripts, I can't log in to the web site because those same pesky errors are popping up when I navigate to the web page through a browser. It would appear that it's still a configuration problem rather than simply broken install scripts...

Anhang Post install errors.jpg
Als Antwort auf Huw Clark

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation

wót AL Rachels -
Nutzerbild von Core developers Nutzerbild von Particularly helpful Moodlers Nutzerbild von Plugin developers Nutzerbild von Testers

The first time I tried to use nginx, I had the same problem. Turned out to be a problem with the first line in the config file in my sites-available folder.

You have changed yours to the one that made mine start working, but it looks like your closing parenthesis after the dollar sign might be missing.

Your have: location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$ {

But I think is should be: location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {


Als Antwort auf AL Rachels

Re: Error creating the Admin account during installation

wót Huw Clark -

It was a frustrating evening yesterday and I was tired last night, sorry! 

I have the ) in my actual config file, I mis-typed in the post. I'll update it now to reflect.