Add Custom Salt to Unique Salt for Better Hashed Password?

Add Custom Salt to Unique Salt for Better Hashed Password?

Paul Lindgreen - દ્વારા
Number of replies: 2

If users were permitted to combine their own system wide custom salt (old method) with moodles unique salt (new) would that provide any significant level of extra security, or would it be negligible?

It is public knowledge that the salt is 22 characters in the database password field, obtaining an additional system wide salt from the php config file would require more then a database breach to retrieve a users password?

Wordpress's ability to allow the user to change the default table prefix during installation inspired this idea, yeah its open source but you can get unique installation features to give hackers one extra hoop to go through.


moodle 3.1

In reply to Paul Lindgreen

Re: Add Custom Salt to Unique Salt for Better Hashed Password?

Emma Richardson - દ્વારા
Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Plugin developers

Moodle also has the option to change the database prefix....

It sounds like you think the passwords are stored in plain text in the database - that is not true.  They are hashed separately...

In reply to Paul Lindgreen

Re: Add Custom Salt to Unique Salt for Better Hashed Password?

Iñaki Arenaza - દ્વારા
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers

One small nit: the salt might be 22 characters. Moodle uses the default password hashing algorithm for the password_hash() function (since at least Moodle 2.7, which is the oldest version I have around to check for) . As of today, that algorithm is Bcrypt, which in the PHP implementation users a 22 character salt (it's actually a 128bits salt, encoded as 22 characters using Radix-64 encoding). But as the password_hash() documentation states, that might change as stronger algorithms are added to PHP (and you can see that Argon2 is already available, which is a stronger algorithm than Bcrypt).

Going back to the original question, and assuming PHP continues to use the Bcrypt algorithm in the near term future, having a user configured salt might be better or worse depending on how that user salt is created. Three things to be taken into account are:

  • Bcrypt always uses a 128 bit salt
  • If you want to use a salt combining the user salt and the Moodle one[1], you'd need to combine both into a single 128 bit salt.
  • From a security point of view, the more random the salt, the better.

So if the user salt/Moodle salt are not very random, and/or you combine both salts in a way that the result is less random that any of them, you might end up with a worse salt and thus a waker overall results.

Saludos. Iñaki.

[1] Moodle doesn't create any salt itself, it simply omits the salt option and lets PHP generate a random salt each time password_hash() is called. I haven't looked at PHP code, but I assume they are using a good CSPRNG[2] to generate those random salt values.
