Looking for a Performance tracking tool (giving scores)

Looking for a Performance tracking tool (giving scores)

Vastausten määrä: 1


I use Moodle for my students' online homework and a H5P plugin for my class exercices/sessions. 

The thing is contrary to my previous LMS (a commercial provider that dramatically increased its monthly subscription by 425%!) I have no performance tracking. 

On Moodle, both show trainers and students can see the exercices/classes  done and time was spent, but there's no records section of know how well or badly they have performed for each exercices/classes, in other words whether they obtained 0%, 25% or 75% etc.. of correct answers. (see screenshot of what I'm looking for) Doing exercices is one thing. Identifying the areas where the student fails and the trainer can help is better. 

Does Moodle or a plugin offer any performance tracking? Could it also ideally show the students' answers?

Thanks for your help. 


Liitetiedosto Capture d’écran 2018-02-07 à 19.55.58.png
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Re: Looking for a Performance tracking tool (giving scores)

Colin Fraser -
Kuva: Documentation writers Kuva: Particularly helpful Moodlers Kuva: Testers

There is, of course, the Completion Progress Bar, but that does not link in to actual grades. I don't think, at this stage there is anything that does specifically relate to grades, unless there is a standard report that gives that information. 

Having said that, this is not a bad idea, perhaps the Completion Progress bar could be connected to grades, mmmm.