service not available moodle 3.3

service not available moodle 3.3

autor ivan Rivas -
Počet odpovědí: 5

Good morning, I have a problem updating to moodle 3.3

happens that every time I get this error when browsing the site with any user

"The web service is not available (it does not exist or it may be disabled)"

and then he asks me to log in again ...

I have reinstalled Moodle from scratch and I get that error, I would appreciate your help ...

I do not know if it's from the OS. or because the site is not HTTPS

Příloha image.png
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V odpovědi na ivan Rivas

Re: service not available moodle 3.3

autor Lionel POUJET -

I've the same problem. If someone knows a solution... Thanks a lot.

V odpovědi na Lionel POUJET

Re: service not available moodle 3.3

autor Chris Pratt -

We have the same problem, seems to be just Chrome where the issue occurs. Any one have any ideas?

V odpovědi na ivan Rivas

Re: service not available moodle 3.3

autor Andre Torres -

maybe it happen because when you do change in 

' Dashboard ► Site administration ► Security ► Site policies ' by deselecting 'Cron execution via command line only

with me this happened when I made this change 

V odpovědi na ivan Rivas

Re: service not available moodle 3.3

autor quangha ho -

I met the same problem on February 02th 2019.

If you use CDN like Cloudfare, delete any Page Rules (First: Log in with your account to Cloudfare; Then locate "Page Rules"; Finally, delete any page rules related to your website site).

It worked for me perfectly.