track a course based on its sessions

track a course based on its sessions

by vinayak patil -
Number of replies: 2


I have around 10 course which are delivered as classroom trainings.

these courses repeat every month with new users taking up this courses and sometimes old users may also attend these repeating courses. whenever i need to generate or track any activity like attendance, feedback for a particular course it becomes difficult for me to separately identify the course as it repeats every month.


pls help me to device a mechanism to track a course based on its sessions.

example name of course MS Outlook

session 1 (course conducted in a month)

session 2 same course repeated in next month...

so based on the session nos, i should be able to track my activities.

so bvasically i want to track the session for all courses which i offer and session ID/No increases every time  for every course....


thanx n regards,

vinayak Patil

In reply to vinayak patil

Re: track a course based on its sessions

by Howard Miller -
Core developers की तस्वीर Documentation writers की तस्वीर Particularly helpful Moodlers की तस्वीर Peer reviewers की तस्वीर Plugin developers की तस्वीर

Put them in groups?

Or... go and have a look at It's not an exact solution but it adds stuff to Moodle designed to handle this sort of training. 

In reply to Howard Miller

Re: track a course based on its sessions

by vinayak patil -

Thanx Howard, will try  the Multi-tenancy feature but is there anyway that a session ID can be assigned to a course everytime we schedule it.

if a candidate has appeared for a course multiple times and now hje has to submit feedback, he should be able to choose a session id to submit his feedback.

