Is it me or is there something wierd going on in Moodle 3.3

Is it me or is there something wierd going on in Moodle 3.3

Mary Evans - ން
Number of replies: 4
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Everything I try to do seems to be blighted.

All the old themes Base themes like Afterburner and lots of others, seem not to be working as once they did.

Has Moodle changed so much that the code inwhich once was a sanctimonious place that no one was allowed, has now been basterdised to a point where nothing makes sence anymore?

I read recently that we are to do away with CSS IDs and use classes instead. Is this the reason that CSS class selectors have randomly appeared in Moodle, which are becomming ever more nonsensical in their naming let alone meaning?


At this rate the drains are going to get blocked!

Or should that be Brain Drain...???

Mary on a rant...

PS: Why is there no body class for pagelayout-mydashboard?

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In reply to Mary Evans

Re: Is it me or is there something wierd going on in Moodle 3.3

Gareth J Barnard - ން
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This is just my opinion but the Boost development seems to have pushed things off centre and less generic to support any theme.  There seem to be API changes for Boost that help Boost and yet unwittingly break things.  Not enough encapsulation in an OO sense.

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: Is it me or is there something wierd going on in Moodle 3.3

Mary Evans - ން
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That is what I had feared would be the case.

I think that HQ have some great ideas, but not necessarlily the technical personnel to take them on the road they need to go.

I think there should be a cut off point when Ye Olde themes should be put to rest and not pretend that they will work on newer versions of Moodle.

We can make the older Moodle 2.6 themes work in Moodle 3.0 with a bit of restyling and renderer updating, however anything after that is a bit tricky as there are problems with depreciated code like 'pix_url' which is now changed to "image_url" for images urls and "pix_icon" for icons.

It's all kind of much so I drempt about this last night for goodness sake!

Time I retired!

Then again I think I may take up Woodwork like

sound more of a relaxing hobby...

In reply to Mary Evans

Re: Is it me or is there something wierd going on in Moodle 3.3

AL Rachels - ން
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How timely Mary! I actually need a spoke shave for a project in my new workshop. Now I know how to make one from scratch. އުފާވެރި ހިނިތުންވުން