CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Jurgen Gaeremyn -
Number of replies: 7


for some strange reason, the Boost theme is broken on my site (https://training.welzijnsdomeinen.be) - it appears not to be loading css or javascript.

I'm using the current 3.3.1 version of Moodle.

I already cleared my cache at Siteground (my hosting company) and even turned off the server side caching. This didn't resolve the issue.

Anyone else who could point me to a solution?

FYI: when changing the theme, it works fine. When changing back to Boost, it seems broken again.

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In reply to Jurgen Gaeremyn

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Howard Miller -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Documentation writers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers

Can I just check that you have purged the caches in Moodle? 

You could also delete the 'cache' folder in your moodledata directory. 

In reply to Howard Miller

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Jurgen Gaeremyn -

Hi Howard,

sorry for lagging with my answer. I did try clearing the cache. It didn't solve it. But the customizations I did in the SCSS apparently broke the site now, but not the previous version. Strange...

In reply to Jurgen Gaeremyn

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Marina Glancy -
Picture of Core developers Picture of Moodle HQ Picture of Moodle Workplace team Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers Picture of Testers

If you inspect your page you can see that file containing styles - https://training.welzijnsdomeinen.be/theme/styles.php/boost/1500132358/all - is not found.

Looks like your scss is not compiling: purge caches and check error.log in your web server.

Try removing all custom settings for your Boost theme - presets, "Raw initial SCSS", "Raw SCSS", etc. and see if CSS starts compiling after that

Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Marina Glancy

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Jurgen Gaeremyn -


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction...

After troubleshooting the raw initial SCSS, the site looked fine again (except from the one line that was removed obviously). Now I'll have to figure out what line breaks the SCSS...

Here's the line that did the evil:

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Exo+2:200,400,900');

So all I have to do now, is figure out how to import webfonts...

Average of ratings:Useful (1)
In reply to Jurgen Gaeremyn

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Jan van Leeuwen -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers


I have the same problem after installing 3.3 fresh on a new installed vserver with ubuntu 16.04.

Where exactly do I find the line to remove with the googfont?

There are loads of css-files and I am new to moodle.

I have searched through the whole directory on "fonts.googleapis.com" but did not find any file with this string.

I would be gratefull for any hint.

Kind regards,


In reply to Jan van Leeuwen

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Jan van Leeuwen -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers


I think he problem is another while there is no string with googlefont.

I enabled php pecl butt that is not the solution.

Any ideas where to search?

Kind regards,


In reply to Jan van Leeuwen

Re: CSS broken in Boost theme after upgrading

by Jan van Leeuwen -
Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers

After searching longer found the solution in the forum

Try swapping to Clean theme by adding /theme/index.php after your moodle site URL then selecting Clean in the theme selector

That did the trick for me, just one remark you must login to change the theme.

Kind regards,


Average of ratings:Useful (1)