Quiz Email Notifications not emailing. Activity modules emailing fine.

Quiz Email Notifications not emailing. Activity modules emailing fine.

Matt Dixon - келді
Number of replies: 0

We're running a fairly old version of Moodle (2.4.5) and are currently unable to update due to our hosting plan. Recently our Quiz notifications stopped emailing, but the activity module email notifications send fine. We have another Moodle site (running 2.6) that is currently sending quiz notifications fine. They're both hosted with the same provider at inmotionhosting.com and the notification settings are set up the same as well.

We are not using SMTP, but the PHP mailing default method. We've noticed in an email header that it states this for the Activity Module emails from the site with the broken quiz notifications:

X-Source-Args: /usr/sbin/proxyexec -q -d -s /var/lib/proxyexec/cagefs.sock/socket /bin/cagefs.server 

But states this with the 2.6 moodle site quiz notifications that are working fine:

X-Source-Args: /opt/php53/bin/php-cgi /home/career57/public_html/mod/quiz/processattempt.php 

And I'm wondering if this is stating that the 2.6 (career57) site is correctly using it's php function but the broken site is using some sort of proxy? How is this configured? As you can tell I'm very lost and any and all information would be helpful!