When i run login/token.php, this error is coming

When i run login/token.php, this error is coming

by Abhishek Pawar -
Number of replies: 1

{"error":"A required parameter (username) was missing","errorcode":"missingparam","stacktrace":"* line 496 of \/lib\/setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown\n* line 567 of \/lib\/moodlelib.php: call to print_error()\n* line 34 of \/login\/token.php: call to required_param()\n","debuginfo":"\nError code: missingparam","reproductionlink":"http:\/\/\/moodle\/"}

Attachment Screenshot from 2017-05-22 135659.png
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In reply to Abhishek Pawar

Re: When i run login/token.php, this error is coming

by Abhishek Pawar -

Dear sir/Madam,

What should i do regarding this kind of error