Automatically End a Quiz Attempt if Student Navigates Away

Automatically End a Quiz Attempt if Student Navigates Away

بواسطة - Bren Pittsenbarger
عدد الردود: 2


I have set up the ability to force the Safe Exam Browser as a test option and have hidden the navigation blocks, however, the header and breadcrumb trail still remain and the user is able to navigate away from the exam, peruse the moodle site, come back and continue their attempt. Is there any way that quizzes can be set to automatically submit if the student leaves the attempt? My current thoughts to curtail the issue (though untested) are to wait a minute or two into the quiz and then sneak into the settings and put a password on the exam in the hopes that anybody that navigates away wouldn't be able to resume the attempt as well as hiding course content on the day of tests, and of course time limits. One or more of these solutions may be able to make this a non-issue but I think it would be easier to go into the quiz settings and say that if they leave the attempt then they are done (or at least have some explaining to do to the course director).

I should also note that these tests are proctored in person so that is why we are trying to make sure they are closed book, notes, and everything else.

Thanks in advance!

Moodle version 
Moodle release 
3.2.1+ (Build: 20170209)

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رداً على Bren Pittsenbarger

Re: Automatically End a Quiz Attempt if Student Navigates Away

بواسطة - Tim Hunt
صورة Core developers صورة Documentation writers صورة Particularly helpful Moodlers صورة Peer reviewers صورة Plugin developers

Which theme are you using? Does it correctly implement the 'Secure' page layout? (It sounds like it does not. The whole point is that pages using that layout must not have links to other places.)