New Assignment Type

New Assignment Type

Michael Robellard發表於
Number of replies: 13
I have started a project on sourceforge that has a number of modules on it for moodle. One of them is a new assignment type for allowing students to enter information in a form (multiple textarea boxes) and then the teacher can grade each textarea with a number of points (or other grading scale) and give a comment for each form field.

Also I have a module that is called evaluation that is the assignment module except that you can define multiple criteria for what you are grading. It was originally designed to allow an offline activity like a lab to be graded on different criteria.

This can all be found at
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In reply to Michael Robellard

Re: New Assignment Type

Chardelle Busch發表於
Core developers的相片
Great stuff Michael,

I just tried the multiple text box (form) assignment--my assignments typically consist of 3-5 questions and having a text box for each (and grade) is really nice.  A couple of comments: When I updated the assignment I got an error:  Warning invalid arugment supplied foreach () in...form/assignment.class.php line 366

Also, when a question is a couple of lines long, the layout  is difficult to read in editing mode--the questions are squished into a narrow left column and run together.  It might be nice to have them (and the text boxes?) in a nice table with border similar to the normal view.

And one more thing, in other assignments, when there is no grade, then there is no mention of the grade when a student views their feedback.  In your assignment the grade column appears with a grade of 0/0.  Any chance that could disappear when "no grade" is selected?

In reply to Chardelle Busch

Re: New Assignment Type

Michael Robellard發表於

"When I updated the assignment I got an error:  Warning invalid arugment supplied foreach () in...form/assignment.class.php line 366"

I will look into this.

"Also, when a question is a couple of lines long, the layout  is difficult to read in editing mode--the questions are squished into a narrow left column and run together.  It might be nice to have them (and the text boxes?) in a nice table with border similar to the normal view."

I Will look into this.

"And one more thing, in other assignments, when there is no grade, then there is no mention of the grade when a student views their feedback.  In your assignment the grade column appears with a grade of 0/0.  Any chance that could disappear when "no grade" is selected?"

I will look into this.

Please submit these as bugs on the sourceforge project if you haven't done so.

In reply to Michael Robellard

Re: New Assignment Type

N Hansen發表於
Micheal-I'm playing with the flashcard module right now and I am seriously considering using it in my online hieroglyphs course for teaching vocabulary. In the readme file it says:

First it
makes the quiz matching questions present just
like the matching activity. Second it allows you
to add more then 10 matching questions to your
matching question set. In the quiz module it will
randomly select at most ten questions for the
matching. In the matching activity you can select
how many you want to be displayed.

I don't really understand what you are talking about at all here. What does the matching activity have to do with it since we are simply using the matching questions to create the content for the flashcards not the matching activity? And moreover, are you saying that by applying your patch, we will be able to create an unlimited number of questions to be used in a single flashcard activity. So if I wanted 20 flashcards in a stack, I could get them?

Another question is why do you make the "cards" so long and narrow? While it doesn't effect the content, it might make them seem more flashcard like if was shaped more like a flashcard.

Any chance we might see this incorporated into the main Moodle distribution someday?
In reply to N Hansen

Re: New Assignment Type

Michael Robellard發表於

The readme seems to have some errors in it from a copy an paste operation. I will update it, but here is what you need to know.

To create the questions you create them in the quiz module using the mathcing question type.

When you create a flashcard activity you select the matching question you want to use for the flashcard set.

I took the patch to the quiz module out of the flashcard because it was too difficult to keep up with the changes to the quiz module. If you would like to use more than 10 questions in your flashcard module, I have seen people use the upload questions option to upload more then 10 questions.

I have the code for an old version of Moodle to change the quiz module to accept more than 10 questions, if there is enough interest perhaps we can get it into the main moodle quiz module.

BTW if you find bugs and have feature requests please put them in the Sourceforge project so they are easier to track

In reply to Michael Robellard

Re: New Assignment Type

N Hansen發表於
Could you share that code for adding more than 10 questions? Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug that is preventing the import of questions and until that is fixed I have no other way to do so.
In reply to N Hansen

Re: New Assignment Type

N Hansen發表於
Actually, no need to do so. I found the answer I needed elsewhere in the forums. Now I can make as many flashcards as I want.
In reply to N Hansen

Re: New Assignment Type

Terry Frazier發表於

Those of us silently (until now) following the thread might be interested in knowing what you learned.


In reply to Michael Robellard

Re: New Assignment Type

Evin Demirel發表於
Hey Michael (or whoever knows)

This looks like an interesting program and I would like to try it.  I've downloaded and unzipped the files and now I'm looking at a lot of files.  I have no I idea which one to to open get to the module and I lot of them look like they have 0 bytes in them.  Any guidance here?

In reply to Michael Robellard

Re: New Assignment Type

Greg Jeffrey發表於
Hi Michael - this is quite an old forum entry - but I am interested in the enter information in a form (multiple textarea boxes) option.  Can you tell me how this relates to Ver1.7 please??
In reply to Michael Robellard

Ynt: New Assignment Type

burak inner發表於
standart QUIZ module have a question type that allow students to enter information in a form and then the teacher can grade each textarea with a number of points

so why we need this module ? What is the difference between them.
In reply to Michael Robellard

Re: New Assignment Type

Kenneth Tran發表於
Assignment Type: Form module isn't working?
In reply to Kenneth Tran

Re: New Assignment Type

Kenneth Tran發表於
not to double post (I missed the editing time)

How to get form module working? Instructions?
Any updated version?