Max number of attempts reached...

Max number of attempts reached...

wót Anna Krassa -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Hello everyone,

I am using Lesson for several years and a recent experience with a branched lesson made me think its usability...

In a Moodle 3.2 I have setup a branched scenario Lesson with the following settings:

  • Practice lesson > no
  • Allow re-takes > yes
  • Max number of attempts > 1
  • Use default feedback > no and no other feedback is used at all

When a user takes Q1 and answers wrongly he moves on to the next page, but after couple pages and questions if he performs badly, jumps are returning him to the beginning so, he has to retake Q1.

When this happens, user is re-taking Q1 (no matter if the answer is right or wrong), he sees the message "You have reached the max number of attempts, click to continue".

While I understand that the message means that "no matter if you answered correctly, or not, you will receive no score for this answer because the max number of attempts has been reached", I am wondering how helpful are these messages for the end users after all?

I feel that students get confused with those alerts... can't we just... disable them? Or control them? in Gedanken